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The Driver61 Blog

3 Quick Wins To Be Faster On Track

Getting faster on track is every driver's dream, but sometimes knowing what to do next isn't all that easy. What are the usual quick wins...

Should You Left Foot Brake?

Should You Left Foot Brake (transcript) The first question that we have today is from Richard. He says hi, Scott. My track car is paddle...

Secrets to Winning in the Wet

Transcription In this video, I'm going to explain how F1's greatest drivers excel in tricky wet conditions. I'm Scott Mansell, a pro...

What’s Inside an F1 Pirelli Tyre

What’s Inside an F1 Pirelli Tyre

Video Transcription Hi, I'm Scott Mansell from driver61, and today I'm going to take this grinder to see what's inside this Formula One...

Track Test: GP2 Shakedown

Track Test: GP2 Shakedown

Towards the end of last year, I was asked to complete a first test, otherwise known as a ‘shakedown’, in a 2009 GP2 car. Although I've...

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