We educate & entertain those who share our passion for motorsport, F1, sim racing & cars

Driver61 Motorsport

Driver’s University & Circuit Guides

Driver61 is the go-to resource for racing drivers who want to be faster. Check out our Driver’s University, circuit guides and many other resources put together by pro-racing drivers.

Driver61 Sim Racing
Sim Racing

Guides, training & courses

Sim racing is getting more realistic each day. Driver61 takes its real-world training methodology to the next level with the Sim Racing Masterclass and Sim Racing Academy (SRA). 

Driver61 Media

F1, motorsports & automotive content

We create the highest-quality video content on our three YouTube channels: Driver61 (F1 and motorsport), Driver61 Sim Racing and OVERDRIVE (automotive). Across our channels, we have 1.6M subscribers.

Racing Drivers Coached

Sim Racers Coached

YouTube Views

YouTube Subscribers

Drivers University

The Driver’s University


Get to grips with driving technique, with our free 25-part series.

The Driver’s University is a series of in-depth whiteboard tutorials studying the art of driving on circuit.

Each week, our professional driver coach Scott Mansell, takes us from the basics of circuit driving through to more advanced lessons about setup and data analysis.

Circuit Guides 

Learn the secrets of your favourite track with Driver61’s circuit guides.

Our circuit guides offer an in-depth look at racing lines, curbs and how to be fast at various well-known race tracks across the UK.


Our professional driver, Scott Mansell, talks us through these points as he highlights points of interest over onboard footage. Make the most of your day on track by being well prepared for what’s ahead.

Drivers University

Sim Racing

Here at Driver61, we also use simulators to help train our drivers, as well as offering sim training and courses.

The blend between real-world and simulated racing is getting closer each year, meaning real-world and sim drivers can blend between disciplines more easily. 

Previously worked with the following brands & with drivers from:

F1, Motorsport & Automotive Media

We create awesome video content for people who love F1, motorsport, sim racing and cars. Our content entertains and educates our viewers, so they know a bit more about their favourite hobbies.

Discover insights to your driving

Get faster on track, feel in total control and fulfil your driving potential.

Uncover your driving strengths and weaknesses and receive a bespoke report to become a faster, more confident driver to fulfil your track potential.