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SIM Racing

Helping Sim Racers Fulfil Their Potential

Sim Racing Coaching

We have taught 1000s of sim racers how to get faster on track. Our coaching sessions can be taken one-on-one or in a group. Join the Sim Racing Academy for weekly coaching at an affordable price.

Sim Racing Courses

Improve your core technique and get faster with our various courses, including the Sim Racing Masterclass, a 4-week programme of online learning, live coaching and seminars with our elite coaching team.

Sim Racing Telemetry Tools

The tools to make your journey to the sim racing podium faster and easier. Find out how to be faster with our AI coaching app,, and shave seconds off your lap time.

Sim Racing University
Sim Racing Uni

From setting up field-of-view to your steering wheel and pedals, the Sim Racing University will help you find pace. Improve your driving too, with tutorials on techniques such as braking and car setup. 

Lap Times Plateaued?

Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, our sim racing plateaus.

Breakthrough to your next level with a subscription to our Sim Racing Academy for access to 1-on-1 coaching, group training, racecraft sessions, race engineer services, and more. We have worked with 1000s of sim racers on how to improve their pace and consistency. We know how to make drivers faster.

Our Coaching & Courses

Sim Racing Coaching one-to-one
One-on-one Coaching

Driver61 One-on-One Coaching is laser-focused on understanding where you can find your next 1% of lap time while being consistent. 

From $42.40

Driver61 Sim Racing
The Sim Racing Academy

The Sim Racing Academy has a full range of different coaching sessions to choose from. Create your own training plan and take your sim driving to the next level.

From $31.99 per month

Sim Racing Masterclass
The Sim Racing Masterclass

The Sim Racing Masterclass is a 4-week programme that consists of online training, four live coaching sessions and five seminars all designed to help you win.

From $108.50

Our Sim Racing Tools

Sim Racing Telemetry Tools
Sim Racing AI Coach

Our sim racing AI coach,, helps you get faster in iRacing, Assetto Corsa Competizione, and the F1 series games.

We’ve spent years coaching 1000’s of drivers from the sim to F1. We have taken all that knowledge and created a groundbreaking app that interactively teaches you how to actually unlock your ultimate pace.

Our Most Popular Course

The Sim Racing Masterclass

The Sim Racing Masterclass


The Sim Racing Masterclass is a 4-week programme that consists of online training, four live coaching sessions and five seminars.

The concept of the course is simple; follow the 1-month programme, then get on the track with a group of students and our coaching team to learn and perfect your core racing techniques.

Our coaches deliver instruction and coach you live, so that you can learn, practice and receive feedback on the fundamentals of vision, steering,  braking and grip generation.


4-Weeks to faster driving

Our 1-month program will walk you through techniques and on-track exercises that will start your journey to being a naturally fast driver.

Over 1000 Students Trained

We have trained thousands of students on how to get faster on track, making this the web’s most popular sim training programme. We work on your core technique, making you permanently faster.

20 Hours Of Online Content

Over 20+ hours of exclusive detailed online instruction content and exercises for you to practice on your time.

Live Coaching & Seminars

The Sim Racing Masterclass includes 4 hours of live coaching and 5 hours of live seminars and Q&As with Driver61 coaches.

Our Most Recent Content

Here at Driver61, we use simulators to help train our drivers, as well as offering sim training and courses. The blend between real-world and simulated racing is getting closer each year, meaning real-world and sim drivers can blend between disciplines more easily.

Here you can find our sim specific videos and well as more information about sim equipment below.

Pedal Settings in F1 2021

Pedal Settings in F1 2021

Introduction Sim racing can be an expensive hobby, with drivers investing some serious money into their rigs and setups. Overlooking the...

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How to set FOV in F1 2021

How to set FOV in F1 2021

Introduction FOV (Field of View) is a topic that generates a lot of discussion at Driver61. It is a fundamental part of any sim racing...

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Sim racing – How to get faster

Want to get faster? At Driver61 we know from experience that the fastest way to improve your performance on the virtual track is to master the skills that every professional racing driver uses to win. By perfecting the basics: vision, braking, steering and many more, you’ll find your pace improves almost effortlessly.

Getting started costs you nothing. We’ve made a free, 25-part tutorial called Driver’s University. By following the guidance in each video, you’ll acquire the knowledge needed to improve your technique and drive like a Pro.

Wondering how sim racers are making a name for themselves in competitive, real-world driving? It’s because the techniques you need to be fast in the sim are the same as the techniques you need to be fast as a professional driver. Originally created for real-world drivers, sim racers around the world are benefitting from Driver’s University, too.

In our free video series, learn the basics of the racing line and understand each phase of a corner, before moving forward to advanced driving techniques such as trail braking, car control using weight transfer and being fast in the wet.

Our University offers sim-specific content, too. Our sim racing skills videos focus on the same Motorsport principles but apply eSports thinking as you adapt to your virtual racing environment.

As you move through Driver’s University, get more information on how to build a sim rig that’s right for you and all the sim racing advice you might need, check out the resources at

Here's how to get faster
1. Vision

Vision is important when driving on track whether it’s real-world or sim because you need to give yourself the right information at the right time. Most drivers will begin by not looking far enough ahead, meaning they’ll likely make quite a few mistakes and will commonly “run out of road” on the corner exits. 

The other issue with vision is that a driver’s vision is often not active enough when they should be “scanning” around different areas on the circuit. You can take a look at our Driver’s University tutorial on vision – you’ll be amazed at how much it helps.

2. Smooth Initial Steering

How you turn in to each corner, is actually based on where you’re looking on the circuit – hence why vision is so important. If you’re not looking where you’re going to end up, you won’t have a clear idea of when and how much to turn in.

Once you’ve turned in, however, the steering wheel should be reasonably smooth as extra steering angle or correction will unsettle the car. Focus on having one smooth increase in steering angle as you turn your car into each corner.

3. Don’t Overslow Your Car

Keeping up speed throughout the corner sounds obvious, however, it’s one of the key areas sim racers and real-world driver lose loads of time. Most drivers will try to brake too late, before actually reducing speed too much before the apex. 

If your technique is feeling a little “lumpy” try to think about your car’s fluidity as you drive through the corner. Of course, heavy braking is still required when you need to shed a lot of speed, like into a hairpin bend, but just before turn in you’ll need to begin to blend out of the brake pedal. This should make the car easier to drive and actually generate more grip, leading to a higher cornering speed. 

If you are interested in getting faster in the sim and learning skills that make you a “natural” driver, check out our sim training courses.

Here's our suggested software

Finding the right sim software is the first step on your journey. There are quite a few different types of software that vary in terms of realism and physics. If you’re new to sim racing, the physics and feel of each game is something that you’ll begin to understand over time.

Here’s a list of the best sim racing software:

There are other less realistic sim titles out there such as the F1 series, GT Sport and Forza, but for the most realistic experience, we recommend the list above.

Here's our suggested sim wheels

Again, as with software, there’s a lot of choice when it comes to sim racing wheels. Unfortunately, to get the most realistic feeling the wheels aren’t cheap.

If you’re looking for a complete guide of how to build your own sim rig, there are some excellent resources at simracingcockpit.

As with real-world driving, it’s critical to get the best feedback from a steering wheel as possible and without the G-force feeling it a sim, it’s even more important.

Here’s a list of the best sim racing wheels:

  • Logitech G29
  • Thrustmaster T300 RS
  • Fanatec CSL
  • Fanatec Clubsport v2.5
  • Simucube 2
  • Fanatec Podium F1
  • Fanatec Podium DD1

The direct-drive sim racing wheels offer the most authentic and realistic experience, which naturally translates into fast times on track. Granted, the direct drive wheels are the most expensive, but they feel they offer gives an immersive experience.

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