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Catch-up to the Best Drivers in the World. See Exactly How They Drive Compared to You.
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Sim Telemetry Tool

Professional Telemetry Made Simple


Designed from the ground up to provide very simple and accessible data. Simply install, drive, compare and get faster.

– F1 2021 and Assetto Corsa Competizione

– Compare Your Inputs Directly to Elite Drivers in F1 2021

– Free Comparison Laps from Driver61 Instructors

– Advanced Professional Data Packs

– Professional Support & Money Back Guarantee

Easy to use

Simply download the Hotlaps Client then login to our online web application to compare your laps with the best drivers in the world. We have made this incredibly easy to do.

Esports comparison laps
Your subscription includes the Driver61 Data Pack with a new lap being released every week. You can also compare with any community lap.
Compare and Improve fast

See exactly how each you are using the throttle, brakes and steering compared to the laps of the pros.

Pro support

We have professional support available to help 24/7. Provide feedback directly in Hotlaps and we’ll get back to you quickly.

Easy to Setup, Easy to Use

Hotlaps was designed  to be simple. There is no need to download new software, convert files, or learn MoTec and other complex telemetry solutions. Simply install the Hotlaps Client, run laps on our data pack tracks, and login to our web application to compare your laps to top drivers. 

Corner-by-corner feedback

Designed for all levels of drivers, Hotlaps allows you to quickly see where you losing pace to top drivers in F1 2021 and Assetto Corsa and zoom in to see how they are using their inputs differently.

Sim Racing Telemetry Tools
Sim Racing Academy

Free and add-on data packs

Your subscription includes the Driver61 Datapack with a new training lap released weekly. We also have optional add-on Data Packs from elite ACC drivers like Darren King (a.k.a Dalking) and World’s Fastest Gamer James Baldwin.

See Hotlaps in Action


Driver61 Head Coach, Scott Mansell, explains how to get the most out of your data in Hotlaps. In this video he breakdown some of our student’s laps and gives insights into how they can get faster on track. 

Hoplaps is a sim racing telemetry tool designed to help sim drivers get faster. It allows you to compare your own laps to eSports pros – so you can shortcut your journey to being on the ultimate pace. Hotlaps works with F12021 and Assetto Corsa Competizione.

Step 1 Join

Use the Sign-Up button to start your subscription. Free with your Subscription is the Driver61 Data Pack. Use this video to watch Hotlaps in action.

Step 2 Drive Laps

Run Hotlaps against on the tracks in our Data Pack and compare your inputs to our drivers. You can also see all laps from other drivers on all tracks.

Step 3 Compare

Compare your laps with the top drivers in the world. We have free community laps and the Driver61 lap pack. We also have optional add on data packs that you can buy from elite drivers.

Sign Up For Hotlaps

We’re Excited to Launch and Share Hotlaps with You. Use the Discount Code 2021HOTLAPS for 10% of your subscription forever. Offer ends soon.

* Note that it takes us 36 hours to set up your Hotlaps account. Not ideal, we know. But we promise it is 100% worth the wait!

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