Welcome to our circuit guide to Silverstone GP, one of the world’s best and well known race tracks. Silverstone is a fantastic mix of high-speed and flowing corners, including the infamous Maggotts and Becketts complex which has to be one of the best sequences of corners you can find.
If you’d like to make notes at your next track or test day, use one of our handy track map driver’s sheets here.
Silverstone GP is now made up of 18 turns, over 3.6 miles and is a great testing or track day facility due to it’s large run of areas and varying corner types. In our Definitive Circuit Guide to Silverstone GP, Scott Mansell explains how to put a great lap together as well as looking at the detail of:
- Racing lines at Silverstone GP
- Braking references
- Apex points
- Which curbs to use
- Vision and where to look
The new turn one at Silverstone GP is a super-fast right hander. Quite similar to the old turn one, and just as much fun. Be smooth with all your inputs as it’s such a quick corner.
- In most cars Abbey will require a lift or brake
- Cars with less power or with aero might be flat
- Be gentle with all steering and pedal inputs
- Ensure vision is a long way ahead, at the apex
- There are two small red curbs on the inside of the normal curb, these mark the apex
- Do not run over the small red curbs
- Vision should already be towards the exit
- There is a bump on the apex
- The exit is a compromise as you need to prepare for the next left-hander
- Try not to use too much road on the left
- There is some run-off on the left if you make an error
Quickly following turn one at Silverstone is the equally fast Farm corner. Again, flat or almost flat in most cars, so long as you haven’t been too greedy with your exit from Abbey.
- Be smooth with all of your inputs and never lift off the accelerator too fast (it may cause lift-off oversteer)
- Three red curbs signify the apex (see image)
- Ensure vision is well ahead as this is a very fast corner
- Don’t allow the car to push too far to the right (it’ll make getting back across for the next corner difficult)
- The middle of the road is about right
- Begin to look for braking references
After the speed of turns one and two comes Silverstone GP’s slowest corners. First up, we have Village, where it’s easy to enter too fast. Village is a corner that invites you in, but tightens up as you approach the apex.
Braking Area
- There aren’t many braking references, distance before the entry curb is about the best
- You’ll be braking across the circuit, aiming to turn in at the outside of the track (see image)
- Ensure the car is in a straight line
- Now the car should be on the outside of the track
- Vision should be at the apex
- Remember the corner tightens
- If you lock up or arrive too quickly, continue straight into run-off area
- You can use all of the curb
- Do not touch the ‘sausage’ curb
- Be aware when getting on throttle that you shouldn’t use all the track when exiting as you need to bring the car back to the right
- Do not use all of the road when exiting
- Continue to keep steering lock in the car, to bring car over to the right as much as possible
- Ensure vision is up at the inside of the next corner (The Loop)
The Loop
The Loop is Silverstone GP’s slowest corner, but one of the most important as it leads into Aintree corner (which is flat out in most cars) and then on to the Wellington Straight. Therefore a good exit is critical is you want to put a good lap together.
- Braking is required
- Try to get as far to the right as possible, to focus on the exit
- Ensure vision is at the apex of The Loop early, so you can gauge your speed and turn in point well
- Quite a late apex, as we need to focus on exit speed
- The apex always feels really slow and awkward, but be patient
- Do not run on the sausage curb
- Focus on getting the power down smoothly to maximise exit speed
- There is some tarmac beyond the curb, however, try not to use as it will destroy you exit speed
Following the slow-speed corner of The Loop, comes Aintree which is flat in almost all cars. You’ll need to ensure your vision is far forwards, so you can best pick out your line.
- Make sure your vision is a long way ahead, at the curbing on the left
- Gently bring the car towards the apex
- There is a large tarmac run-off around the outside
- There are two red bumps inside the main curb here, they signify the apex
- Use all of the ‘normal’ red and white curb
- Your vision should be towards the exit point – along the exit curbing
- Release the steering to open up Aintree as much as possible
- It’s possible to use all of the exit curbing
- There a strip of green concrete and more tarmac run-off in case you make a mistake
Next up is the heavy braking zone and medium-speed left-hander of Brooklands. The corner tightens as you enter and with a late apex, it’s easy to make a mistake.
- There are numerous braking reference points here: the beginning and end of the green concrete, the start of the entry curb and the turn board (if you’re in a single-seater)
- Remember to have your vision forwards – there are three bollards at the apex
- Apex is between the 2nd and 3rd bollard (be aware these might not be there)
- There are also the small red bumps at the apex
- Apex is late – turn in very gently at the beginning and slowly increase steering angle
- You can use all of the curb on the exit, but be conscious of coming back to the left a little before Luffield
- There is astroturf and run-off area in case you make a mistake
- Ensure your vision is beginning to look around the next corner
Luffield is one of the slower corners of Silverstone GP and it requires lots of patience as it continues for a long time. There are a few different lines you can take, however, the focus should always be on your exit speed.
Apex 1
- Make an apex at the beginning of Luffield
- You’ll likely be able to get back on to a balance throttle
- Allow the car to push out a little at the mid-corner point
- This will allow us to open out the exit and carry more speed on to the following straight
Apex 2
- Ease up off the throttle a little to allow the car to turn back in towards the curb
- Clip the inside curb
- Your vision should now be able to see the exit curb
- You should be able to begin to accelerate out of Luffield
- Use all of the outside curb
- There is a think strip of green concrete beyond the curb, after this it’s gravel
- By now you should be flat out on the accelerator
Woodcote is a ‘kink’ on to the old start/finish straight. It can be flat in a lot of cars, however, a lot of care should be taken in more powerful cars with less grip or in the wet. Plenty of accidents happen on the exit of Woodcote, when drivers take the wrong line and lift – resulting in a spin towards the inside wall.
- There are bollards that run on the inside of Woodcote – aim to make the apex at the last one
- You can use the curb on the inside if necessary
- Ensure your vision is looking towards the exit point
- Take care to have a smooth line that opens on the exit of Woodcote
- If a driver’s vision is bad they may exit the corner too early, lift and then spin towards the inside wall (see image)
- If you are running wide, use the run-off tarmac on the outside of Woodcote
The next 7 turns at Silverstone GP are some of the best in the world. The stretch of tarmac from Copse, through Maggots, Becketts, Chapel and Stowe is truly epic. They’re all high-speed, winding and require a lot of bravery, with Copse being the fastest of them all.
- In most cars you’ll have to lift or brake for Copse, but ensure all your inputs at this speed are smooth
- If you do need to brake, there are numerous references on the left – namely the turning board
- Your vision should be towards the curb on the inside of Copse
- It’s difficult (impossible) to see through the corner, as the old pit lane exit wall is obstructing it
- You can use a little of the entry curb to open out Copse as much as possible
- There are two red bumps on the inside that signify the apex
- Use the ‘normal’ curb, but don’t run on the two red bumps as it will unsettle the car
- You vision should be towards the exit curbing
- Use all of the exiting curb to open out Copse
- There is astroturf and then tarmac run-off on the exit – so if you make a mistake, you can use this
Maggots, Becketts and Chapel
After the high speed right of Copse comes the infamous left-right-left-right-left of Maggots, Becketts and Chapel. Difficult, high-speed and exciting this is one of the most enjoyable sequence of corners anywhere in the world.
Approach to Maggots
- Be gentle with all inputs into the car, as this section is high-speed
- The start of the entry curb on right is a good reference for turning in
- Ensure vision is down at the curb on the left of Maggots
Apex 1 (Maggots)
- You can use all of the curb on the left, however, do not use the sausage curb
- Vision should be at the next curbing on the right
- If you need to brake, continue to do so in as straight of a line as possible
Apex 2 (Maggots)
- The apex at second part of Maggots is highlighted with those trusty small red bumps
- Use all the normal curb, but not the bumps
- Vision should be looking towards the entry of Becketts
Approach to Becketts
- It’s difficult to know exactly where to position the car
- The car should be somewhere in the middle of the circuit, perhaps a little to the left
- Ensure your vision is at the bollards on the left
Apex 1 (Becketts)
- Be smooth with all inputs
- There are the small red bumps that signify the apex
- Vision should be towards the next apex
Apex 2 (Becketts)
- Small red bumps mark apex
- You can use all of the normal curb as it’s quite flat
- This is the most important corner in the sequence, ensure you’re on the throttle early and your exit is good
Apex (Chapel)
- You should exit Becketts/apex Chapel where the apex curb begins
- Be careful of using the curb here, as it’s quite aggressive
- Move your vision to the exit of Chapel corner
- In most cars all the hard work is now done and you can let the car move freely to the outside of the corner
- The exit point is around the area where the curb finished (see image)
Next up on our Silverstone GP circuit guide – and following the long Hanger Straight – is the rapid Stowe corner. Stowe is a medium-to-high speed right hander over a slight crest.
- As you approach you’ll want to leave a little room on the left of the circuit
- This ensures that you won’t have to turn when you’re braking, as the circuit comes across slightly in the braking zone
- Vision should be down towards the apex
- You’ll be braking across the track very slightly
- There are numerous braking references (see image)
- There are three red bumps on the inside that signify the apex – use the second bump
- Use the ‘normal’ curb a little, but don’t run on the red bumps as it will unsettle the car
- Your vision should be ahead of yourself, however it’s difficult due to the crest
- Use all of the red and white exit curbing
- Be careful of the astroturf (especially in the wet)
- Beyond the astroturf is a little tarmac run-off area
Vale is a slow speed left-right which is important to getting a good lap time, as it leads on to the new start-finish straight. Get a good exit here and you’ll ensure a good start/finish to your lap.
- There are numerous braking references, namely the gantry, turn-in board or the start of the entry curb
- Braking is downhill and a little bumpy
- Ensure vision is towards the apex
Apex (left)
- Use all of the normal curb
- Do not use the sausage curb
- You’ll need to compromise some speed through the left, so that you can maximise speed through the right and on to the following straight
Apex (right)
- The apex is where the green concrete meets the curb (see image)
- You should have restricted the left enough to carry maximum speed through the right
- Vision should be towards the exit curbing
- Use all of the exit curb
- Do not ‘fall off’ onto the astroturf – the circuit is still turning slightly which makes it difficult to get back on to the circuit if you do run on the astroturf
The final corner of Silverstone GP circuit is Club. In most cars Club is flat, meaning that the exit out of Vale is critically important to lap time. Good vision is necessary for a clean line though this corner.
- Ensure your vision is well ahead – at the apex curb
- Smoothly load the car up and bring into the apex
- Use all of the apex curb
- Do not use the sausage curb
- Vision should be towards the exit curbing
- There is some run-off area in case you make a mistake
- Use all of the exit curbing
- Take care on the astroturf (especially in the wet)
- A common accident here is to exit the corner too early, lift off the accelerator and spin into the pit wall
- Flags and boards are shown here (see image)
Our circuit guides are a useful resource before you head to your track or test day, but your progression on track will always be faster with the help of a driver coach. We have a list of certified instructors to make you faster at Silverstone here.
If you’d like to follow our circuit guide with a track map, use the following diagram of Silverstone GP.

Trying to get to Silverstone? Here’s the address:
Silverstone Circuit, Towcester NN12 8TN
Start / Finish GPS
Start / Finish Line: 52 4’5.8″N 1 1’24.5″W (map link)